打招呼可是意大利人生活中必不可少的一部分。不管何时,熟人相见总少不了一声"come stai?""come va?"。那这两句到底是什么意思呢,让我们来看Lucrezia的讲解。

We’re going out. So we don’t know where we’re going yet but we will know as soon as we get in the car. Today I want to teach you how to say “how are you” in Italian. So it’s going to be very quick and simple video but very very useful.

How are you: Come stai? 相对正式的打招呼,你好吗?
How are you going: Come va? 朋友熟人之前非常随意的打招呼
"Come stai" and "come va" are both very common. And you can say them to like… when you meet new people. You would use it with friends and family.
So remember “come stai” is the direct translation of “how are you”. While “come va” is more like “how are you doing.”
以上两句都是常用的打招呼用于,你可以和新认识的人打招呼,也可以在家人、朋友说这两句。要说区别呢,也就是come stai稍正式一点点,come va相对更随意。

So since that is probably it for today. Ok, ciao ciao.

Come stai?/come va? 你好么?

Bene, grazie. E tu? 我很好,谢谢,你呢?
Sto bene, grazie. E Lei? 我很好,谢谢,您呢?
Non c'è male, grazie. 还行吧,谢谢。
Così così. 一般般吧。
Male. 很糟糕。