
We want to say some details when we talk about the person. For example, the hair.

La ragazza ha i capelli lunghi. = The girl has long hair. 这女孩有长发。

In English, “hair” is uncountable so it’s always singular. While in Italian, it’s plural. So “capelli lunghi”.
In Italian, you can say “un capello”. It means just one. Capello is masculine, singular. So un capello lungo.
在英语中,hair是不可数名词,但在意大利语中,capello是可数的,所以我们必须说capelli lunghi。但如果你想说一根头发,也是可以的,un capello.一根长头发就是un capello lungo.

But when you describe someone, you talk about hair in the plural way because you refer to all the hair one person has.

Il ragazzo ha i capelli corti. = The boy has short hair. 这男孩有短发。
I capelli sono lunghi/corti. = Hair is long/short. 头发是长/短。

The color of the hair.

La ragazza ha I capelli castani. = The girl has brown hair. 这女孩有棕色的头发。

You won’t say “Lei ha i capelli marroni.” You have to say “castani”.

Lei ha i capelli biondi. = She has blonde hair. 她有金色的头发。

lungo [a.] 长的
corto [a.] 短的
e.s. La ragazza ha i capelli lunghi. 这女孩有长发。
Il ragazzo ha i capelli corti. 这男孩有短发。

castano [a.] 棕色的(专门用于描写头发)
biondo [a.] 金色的
e.s. La ragazza ha I capelli castani.  这女孩有棕色的头发。
Lei ha i capelli biondi. 她有金色的头发。
注:在之前“色彩”的文章里,我们学过marrone是棕色的。但marrone不能用来描写头发的棕色。表达棕色的头发,只说i capelli castani